This Girl Can is a nationwide campaign to get women and girls moving, regardless of shape, size and ability.This Girl Can celebrates the women who are doing their thing no matter how they do it, how they look or even how sweaty they get. Millions of women and girls are afraid to exercise because of fear of judgement. The "This Girl Can" video is one campaign that fights against gender stereotypes and roles. A variety of camera shots are used to create specific techniques.
Close-up shots are used to create emotion, for example here, the close up on the women's faces makes the audience feel involved with her feelings as it shows the audience that she is quiet clearly enjoying her form of workout.
Long shots are also used where more information about the character or the situation is required, for example this female here is seen to be kicking a football across her training pitch.

Audio and Visual codes also play a significant role in the scenes for examples, the facial expressions of the women suggest to the audience how much work and effort they are putting into their workouts. The choice of music or the specific song used will convey narrative information to the audience, in this instance Missy Elliot's Get Your Freak On has a fast tempo, and a upbeat pace in reference to the women getting "down and dirty" in regards to sweating,