An artist has turned popular Bratz dolls into real-life women by giving them make-unders and new clothes
This story is particular interesting as it has been an on going argument for may years that Barbie and Bratz dolls are too 'unrealistic' and set idealist views on beauty standards for little girls; these dolls were always porcelain skinned, slim bodies with long blonde hair, tiny waists and very petite facial features. It was also proved that their body measurements were far off from that of an average sized woman.
However Artist Wendy Tsao has transformed six of the generic toys into strong role models such as Malala Yousafzai and JK Rowling and writer Radhika Sanghani, had decided to write about it. Her previous articles also involve the growing influence of women showing she is passionate on female empowerment which suggests why she wrote this particular article adding specific terms such as "real life women" and "strong role models". She adds pictures of the Bratz doll, Tsao's version and the actual woman to show the difference between the very altered, unrealistic doll and the much more less made up doll and how it compares in contrast.Sanghani also adds that she's thinking suffragette leader Emmeline Pankhurst and Jennifer Lawrence to teach girls about the fight for equal pay.