Sunday, 31 January 2016

Camerons enter son for top London private school

Camerons enter son for top London private school: Eton-educated PM considers prestigious £18,000-a-year prep for nine-year-old Elwen despite sending his daughter to state school... and calling the fees 'crazy' 

News broke on how Cameron has entered his son, Elwen, into a £18,000 Colet Court in Barnes, South West London.
Colet Court is part of the exclusive St Paul’s School in Barnes, South-West London. Pupils often go on to leading public schools, including Eton, where Mr Cameron was educated, and the elaborate idea to send his child to such a prestigious private comes 7 years after Cameron said he wanted ALL children to be state educated. Mr Cameron declared: ‘I’d like my children to go to state school. It’s crazy that we should have to pay lots of money for private schools. We all pay our taxes. You should have really good state schools available for all.’

The Daily Mail is a heavily conservative tabloid paper and this can be seen through the wording of the article.  Writer Simon Walters carefully phrases his sentences.. "David Cameron is considering", "The Prime Minister and his wife have discussed" and " 
the Camerons have not made a final decision" giving the illusion to readers that Cameron maybe won't send his son to the £18,100 prep school and maybe send him to the state Westminster City School which is closest to Downing Street. But then Walters completely eradicates that idea from the reader's mind as he goes on to compare the two...and it is clearly seen where his favouritism is leading towards.
Clearly focusing on the bad points, he emphasises on a pupil raping a teacher and the "ISIS Plotter students" planning a drive by attack whilst briefly mentioning the Star Wars Actor, John Boyega (mentioning he's from Peckham) whilst the prep school is "highly selective" and "97.9% of GCSE grades were A*/A".

In my opinion, it is quite clear where the favouritism lies here, being it is a Conservative newspaper.  Whilst trying to convince readers, it's a possibility that Cameron might not send his son to Colet Court due to Cameron's hypocritical comments in 2009, Walters indirectly "trashes" state school, Westminster City as any right wing paper would.

Monday, 25 January 2016

Woman mayor awards scholarships to South African girls who can prove they're virgins

Alex Matthews for Mail Online reports on a story where a South African mayor has awarded college scholarships to 16 young women for remaining virgins, to encourage others to be 'pure and focus on school' however this can cause controversy as equality groups said it could lead to discrimination based on pregnancy 

Each year the mayor's office awards scholarships to more than 100 promising high school and university students from the area.
The young women who applied for the scholarships voluntarily stayed virgins and agreed to have regular virginity tests to keep their funding, Ms Mazibuko told South African talk radio station 702. 

Ms Mazibuko says To us, it's just to say thank you for keeping yourself and you can still keep yourself for the next three years until you get your degree or certificate.
'The grants will be renewed 'as long as the child can produce a certificate that she is still a virgin,'

A study showed 5.6 percent of South Africans aged 14 to 19 were pregnant.
Virginity testing is not against South Africa's constitution but it is essential that it is done with consent, Shozi explained.
Some activists have called for the banning of virginity testing in South Africa, describing it as sexist and invasive. 
Those defending the cultural practice say it preserves tradition and has been modernised to teach girls about their reproductive health and HIV and AIDS. 

The story is important as it shows how much those in less privileged countries value their education but also show dependent they are on their morals to stay virgins until marriage.