Sunday, 10 April 2016

Do we trust Mr Cameron?

Taxpayer 'pays for Samantha Cameron's £53,000-a-year fashion adviser'

A recent scandal has risen involving the Prime Minister, David Cameron and it has made the public question their trust and faith in our leader.

It seems like Mr Cameron has been avoiding his taxes. Last week, the prime minister was forced to admit that he had made a £19,000 profit from the Blairmore fund set up by his father after days of describing it as a private matter. Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn had claimed Cameron had “misled the public” and “lost the trust of the British people”. 

The salary of a "special adviser" who helps Samantha Cameron with her social diary and fashion style has also been disclosed which is an amazing £53,000 of the taxpayers money.  Labour MP for West Bromwich East says"It's outrageous that he is creating a royal court while at the same time axing half a million public workers."

I found this article interesting as it shows we can't even trust our own PM to pay his taxes and not waste OUR money on dressing his wife. In my MS1 Media exam, I believe this could fit into the representation of Issues. As we can see in left-wing papers such as the Independent, journalists will be more critical of Cameron whereas, in papers such as The Telegraph, they either do not mention the issue or either downplay it.

There have been many calls for Cameron to resign. 

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